Monday, June 22, 2009

Learning how to write.

Writing is a form of art to convey, express, and relay emotion through text. It may or may not contain the exact feeling of the person writing, however, the emotions while writing can be more than that of we can express wherein sometimes supressed when the actual situation is present.

At first, writing does not appeal to me. All I do, is just type google in the web browser, and search for a specific writing which will be given for somebody. Later on I have been encouraged to learn how to write when I read a friends poem collection. I later on tried to write a poem -poem about Life. Managed to finish it, but most people who read my poem told me that the composition is not too good. I did n0t surrender though. Again, I tried to write something, which was to supposed to be dedicated for somebody, however was not finished. I realized that the essence of writing is not just purely in the mood, but in the current emotion as well. It is easy to write songs, poems, with proper emotion. I then later on was able to write sad poems, love poems, etc.

What's the catch? Writing is never about to learn how to, but simply to express inside to the outside with the use of pen and a paper. To learn to write is to feel what is to be expressed. Today Ii am happy, that I can do write anytime I want as long as I have the perfect mood and emotion.

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